Politics and Medias Relationship

1 . politics affecting media

• Games

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2

Condelius explained: “for example, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, its game background is a dystopian future. There are many interpretations that this is the trend of our current society, but it is not at all, it is just a fantasy. It’s just a world we’ve created for players who want to explore how to be good at the end of the world. But people always like to put political factors into it, and we will try our best to avoid these interpretations, because we don’t want to have a position in the current politics. And it’s bad for business. “

This view should not be a sudden whim, because “Tom Clancys The Division 2” has indeed caused controversy because of the suspected hidden political factors. In Tom Clancys The Division 2, Washington is also in crisis. In the trailer, we can see the White House and the fragmented cities, which seems that the whole American society is on the verge of collapse. And these settings make players think that this seems to be Ubisoft carrying private goods, satirizing the current political situation.

• Film

Citizen Kane

It’s a story about Charles Foster Kane (played by wells himself). He was poor in his childhood, but he became a newspaper magnate in his 20s. He married the president’s niece, ran for governor of New York, and went to the top of his life. However, the exposure of his extramarital affair made him fall. The technology and innovation used in this film were controversial at that time, but today, it is these technologies that have forever changed the way the film is made.

When Citizen Kane was released in 1941, it was highly praised by American critics and won the screenwriter award of Oscar. However, due to the feud between Orson wells and Hollywood, the entanglement with the Hurst group, and the secret conflict with the U.S. government, he couldn’t get along at home, and his reputation became lower and lower for more than a decade.

• TV

“the Kennedy”

The eight episode Mini drama the Kennedy describes the legendary life of former US President Kennedy, including his early political career, brother conflicts, involvement with gangs, drug abuse and relationships with several important women. The play also mentions such important historical events as the bay of pigs incident, the Cuban missile crisis, the civil rights movement and the assassination of Kennedy, which is still inconclusive. The investment of the whole play is 30 million US dollars, with a strong cast and excellent production.

“The Kennedy ” may be the most tangled American drama to date! Because the plot is too much to restore the historical truth and expose the truth of the president’s assassination, it has been banned by the United States repeatedly.

• Advertising


After the brexit referendum, many people knew a new word – “brexit”. Although many people are full of surprise at this result, in Britain, due to a series of economic and social problems, people’s dissatisfaction with the government has been brewing for a long time. The rise of nationalism and isolationism foreshadows this “divorce”.

The drum, the British media, recently published a group of political satire advertisements. Although these political satirical advertisements are not specially designed for brexit, they all reflect people’s dissatisfaction with the British government and the social status quo.

The British Independent Party is a far right party in Britain, which adheres to national conservatism and always advocates that Britain should withdraw from the European Union. In this advertisement, only the gate of 10 Downing Street, the prime minister’s official residence, reveals their ambition to gain power.

• Online streaming

News website”

NBC: more left-wing, pro democracy party, more radical views CNN: center left, pro democracy party, more moderate views ABC: grassroots, but most of the time left, views are also more moderate. Fox: more right-wing, pro Republican, more radical views.

As for the objectivity and neutrality of news, we can only say that in fact, foreign news organizations are very objective, but news reports are not a single statement of facts. If so, the news will be too dry, and the news contains follow-up comments.

If there is a cat that can catch mice in the White House, all news organizations will report that “there is a cat that can catch mice in the White House”, instead of saying “there is a dog that can catch mice in the White House”, because that is distorting the fact. But NBC reports will focus on Obama’s daily close interaction with cats, giving viewers an impression that Obama is approachable. Fox’s report will focus on why the White House has been infested with rats for years, so it is necessary to have a cat to catch rats, thus questioning whether Obama is wasting taxpayers’ money and giving the audience the impression of Obama’s incompetence. Neither of the reports here lies, or even tells the truth, which is objective and neutral.

2 . product placement in film

A. Zootopia: making advertising placement more interesting

In terms of advertising placement, the cleverness of “Zootopia” is that it does not directly put the co-operative brands into the film mechanically, but processes them again, so as to integrate them into the story.

In early promotional posters, Nick the fox and Judy the rabbit stand in a place like New York Times Square and look up into the distance. In this poster, viewers can find billboards like the logos of Nike, lululemon, Prada and Buberry. In another poster of animals crossing the road, Judy the rabbit uses a smartphone that uses the “bitten carrot” logo, while nick the fox holds a more nexus like mobile phone, while a giraffe in the distance holds a cup of coffee that looks like Starbucks but has the head of an antelope.

According to Disney, the film’s producer, its official advertising partners are target, Uber, Google, subway and yoghurt brand Yoplait. However, the advertising placement of these five brands in the film is not obvious. Miss Arctic shrew carrying a bag of targoat was hit by a doughnut when crossing the road. The polar bear took nick the fox and Judy the rabbit to meet the gangster Mr.Big At that time, he used the animal city version of Google photo, and Uber became Zuber in the movie.

These modified brand logo with a bit of teasing, not only did not make everyone disgusted, but became a fun thing.

B. 007 series films: turning advertisement into film culture

“007” series films make agent James Bond famous all over the world, and also show the implanted products in the film to the global audience. Through the series of 007 films, the audience can see all kinds of luxury cars, concept mobile phones, luxury watches According to incomplete statistics, there are at least 17 obvious brand placement advertisements in “007: Ghost party”, and the product placement advertisements of more than 20 “007” films have built a luxury brand kingdom.

The implanted products in 007 films often appear as close-up shots. As movie props, the audience can clearly see the image, logo and even characteristics of the products. They are related to the protagonist’s identity, status, occupation or life attitude, and form a community with the protagonist. As an ordinary audience, such advertising placement has become a part of the film, which is psychologically acceptable, so the communication effect is greatly enhanced.

C. “Queen in Prada”: accurate advertising for target audience

The Hollywood film “Queen in Prada” was first placed in the title of the film, which reflects the work and life of the high-end fashion circle, and is bound to be concerned and sought after by fashion people. As soon as the film was released, the heroine’s various clothes became the wind vane of many fashionable white-collar workers. It is said that a Gucci top was sold out of stock.

In the film, major brand partners include Prada, Chanel and Gucci. With the development of the plot, Meryl Streep finally appeared in Prada’s big black v-lapel dress, which gave Prada a perfect publicity effect, and the whole film almost became its long advertisement.

D. Public enemy of machinery: Taking advertisement as the footnotes of film spirit

The science fiction action movie mechanical public enemy, starred by Will Smith, is adapted from the classic works of science fiction master Asimov, which has been permeated with the protagonist’s worries about the future development of science and technology and the loss of human nature. At the beginning of the film, the hero specially shows the reproduction of a product of converse in 2004. On the one hand, the plot tells the audience of the protagonist’s stubborn character and love for the old school culture; on the other hand, it also reflects his worry about the gradual loss of human nature in the high-tech era.

At this time, the old Converse shoes have become a kind of film symbol to remind people to keep a distance from this fully mechanized high-tech era, and not to give up questioning and reflection. The spirit of freedom pursued by individuals should not be erased in any era.

Audi, the advertising partner of the film, designed a new concept sports car RSQ for the film in order to promote its products. As a result, the sales volume increased greatly.

The advantages of film embedded advertising

high exposure, easy to accept

The emergence of advertising elements in the film is not limited by time, but depends on the development of the story and the needs of the scene, so that products or brands can appear repeatedly in the film, which is the condition that other traditional media do not have. Before the film is released, it is always to enlarge the publicity of the film on various media, and use enough space to attract the attention of the media and the audience. However, for the audience, the film has become their most intuitive and broadest carrier. Through the vivid characters in the film, people’s lives are affected. As long as the drinks, wrist watches, finger rings and mobile phones in the hands appear in the movies the audience likes, they will leave an impression on the audience, and this kind of inadvertent implantation will actually become a product Or the most effective advertising of the brand.

The elements embedded in the film are usually presented in the form of physical props. Unlike other media, they are displayed by words, sounds or performances. Instead, the most direct way is to quietly input the advertising information into the audience’s mind. In the form of entertainment, the audience can accept it with an entertainment attitude, thus achieving the advertising effect imperceptibly. In the repeated appearance, it was quietly accepted by the audience.

freedom of products and unlimited types

There are a lot of product categories for embedded advertising in films, not only physical products, but also services and brands. For some special commodities, such as tobacco, the dissemination on the general mass media is very limited, but the plot and plot in the film can be highlighted.

long duration and wide influence

A popular film has a strong vitality, it can not only be sought after in the cinema, but also spread more widely in television and the Internet. It can be shown not only in the domestic market, but also abroad. The embedded advertising in the film will be played again and again with the popularity of the film, and it will appear repeatedly.

high arrival rate of embedded advertising

In the dark cinema, the audience can devote themselves to the film world. The joy, anger, sadness and joy in the film, the twinkle and smile of the protagonist affect the hearts of the audience. Because of this, the products used by the protagonists and their favorite brands will directly affect the audience’s choice after leaving the cinema.

When the audience in the cinema is watching the film, it is equivalent to being hypnotized by the film. When the audience is temporarily in a hypnotic state for advertising, the audience’s acceptance is high.

two win between advertising and film

Film embedded advertising not only brings rich investment income for film makers, but also brings profits after the house for products or brands. Use some old data to illustrate.

The disadvantages of film embedded advertising

poor discrimination of advertisements

The number of embedded advertisements in films is increasing. If there are too many advertisements in a movie, it will be difficult to leave a deep impression on the audience and make the audience feel disgusted.

the expression is simple

At the beginning of film placement advertising, most of the advertisements appear product information in the film to give the product or brand a chance to meet the audience. Maybe they don’t think too much about the relevance between the product itself and the film and television works, and the form of expression is not natural enough to reflect the connotation of the product.

shallow implantation has no brand effect

Brand effect is formed by continuous communication. Without continuous communication, there will be no brand effect.

3 . how media is influenced

• Politics

Government management and appointment of media leadersThe government sets up three-dimensional Bai for the media – enterprise management of public institution. Media is needed for government public opinion management and propaganda.Legislation press law to be enacted.

Because of the far-reaching influence of mass media on political life, politicians attach great importance to their control. As early as in ancient Greece, in his Republic, political scholar Plato took information dissemination as a tool to shape the national soul and as a means for philosopher king to rule. The implication is that the media is under the control of the government. He also advocates the establishment of a strict censorship system, in which prosecutors conduct pre inspection of unpublished works. Han Feizi, a representative of ancient Chinese Legalists, has a similar view. In modern times, the western capitalist countries carried out the media freedom, while the socialist countries strengthened the control of the media.

• Consumerism

Under the background of the improvement of the audience’s viewing level, the expansion of the right to view films and the enhancement of information judgment, the film industry has become a consensus that content is the king and quality is the foundation.

• Ideology

The evolution of IP from literature, animation, drama, TV series and other cultural products into films will still be the main source of film themes, which is the need for the film industry to reduce risks and also the internal demand for influential literature and other IP to extend to related art forms. Film sequels and series will occupy the main share of high box office films. In turn, it will stimulate the prosperity of commercial literature and the high interaction between films and other entertainment products.

• Evil corporations

With the high level of investment and the high level of the market, the demand for high-quality products is increasing. To this end, film and television production companies continue to increase production costs, employ well-known directors, screenwriters and actors to shoot grand scenes and employ well-known post production teams to attract audience’s attention. On the other hand, the influx of capital has led to the rising prices of high-quality IP, scripts, scenes, props and leasing, and the production cost of film and television works has further increased.

At present, the film and television cultural industry is developing rapidly, but the infringement and piracy of film works occur from time to time. Film companies spend a lot of money to invest in film production and distribution, which may be copied, uploaded and played by other websites and vendors by illegal means before and during the release of the film, thus damaging the interests of the company.

• Current events

In the last century, there were many extreme events triggered by Hollywood movies. In 81 years, John Sinclair was infatuated with the actress Judy foster in the film taxi driver to shoot US President Reagan. In 1994, the movie “born killer” led to several fatal homicides. These tragedies may not necessarily be related to the content of the film, but the scenes of blood and violence do have certain social incitement, so it is necessary to strictly review the content.

4 . summary – the evolution of how politics shape media

The so-called “media society” here has two meanings: one is that our society is driven by the media and moves, changes and develops under the strong influence of the media; the other is that the media constructs a society with its independent will, which is parallel or cross operated with the real society, or in other words, the media society is the imitation, deformation, exaggeration and projection of the real society.

In the media society of the 21st century, due to the omnipresence of mass communication, political communication will inevitably be driven by media. In the past 20 years, the process of political media has been speeding up, which is an important sign. In this regard, AI Yingge and Jinde pointed out in the book “important news” that “media politics” has been everywhere, not only in the United States, but also in other countries. On the contrary, the traditional system formed by public organizations representing different preferences (such as political parties and interest groups) is declining. It is no exaggeration to say that the use or even manipulation of mass media to promote the realization of political goals is not only a standard way of operation, but also a need for survival.

From the perspective of democratic politics, the mass media’s news communication is indeed of great importance, and has become a key factor for the smooth realization of the realistic democratic politics. Today, it is very difficult for all kinds of political opinions to reach the public if they are not transmitted through the media.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that the so-called political media, as a phenomenon, is the product of political development, and increasingly highlights the universality of today’s media society, but also shows a new operation mode of political communication; as an observation perspective, it reveals that in today’s highly developed media and political democratization. There is an inseparable relationship between news media and modern politics.

5 . two topics of research for animation based around politics

I. Pay attention to the possible ideology while accepting foreign culture

After the “modernization” period after the Second World War, the views of the western world have almost become universal values. In the 1960s, in the film of American western development, the fighting between white and Indian, the image of Indian was usually negative. At least on the surface, the novel reflects on the white people’s invasion of the Indians. The images and lyrics presented in the theme song “the color of the wind” also show the biological cycle of man, animal and nature in Indian culture; Aladdin was released shortly after the first Gulf War, and Disney used the most representative story of the Muslim world “Arabian Nights” as the material, which was also a friendly expression to the Muslim world. After the second Gulf War, mengchang’s “Legend of the seven seas of Sinbad” was influenced by “9.11”, and a strong attempt to “de Middle East” was clearly revealed. Hua Mulan has become Disney’s best animation of the year, which also reflects the fact of China’s economic strength from one side. As advertised on its poster, “from today on, this beautiful legend will spread all over the world.”. Animation also reflects the reality of the international political and economic situation. Multiculturalism has become the mainstream trend since 1980s.

II. Pay attention to the political correctness and value of animation

On the popular level, the main function of film is undoubtedly to entertain the public. Even so, the entertainment attribute of the film will certainly be affected by the mainstream cultural atmosphere and political and economic situation. Besides the effect of “watching the whole family”, animated films also have the function and strength of expressing the truth by writing and criticizing the time theory. These text structures will enrich the content of animated films. Since the 1990s, animated films have tried to construct the traditional value from multiple perspectives. Besides achieving the effect of “whole family viewing”, animated films must also hide some deep-rooted traditional values.

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