Stage21: Animation (2)


The animation for Cam6 is relatively simple being a door opening movement, mainly a following movement of the arms. There is also the animation of the door opening, which is a deceleration animation with a curve like this.


The movement of Cam7 is to go out and bring in the takeaway, which is mainly a large bending movement of the body, also following the movement. There is also an IK in one arm and aFK in the other.


Cam8 is the animation of picking up a burger and coke and approaching the camera.


Cam10 is a finger movement of two hands.


Cam11 is a shot of the takeaway man walking, a large overhead angle. I then did a longer shot of him walking as it will be used again later on.

I referred to some web photos, and one of the more difficult things is that the character has large feet, so the animation of the two feet cannot be very large or it would not fit the character’s personality traits, but it has to follow the movement of walking


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