Thesis9: Discuss in conjunction with FMP

Due to my above research and investigation on satirical animation, I also have a more specific and profound summary and Research on my FMP satirical animation. The narrative animation I want to do this time, more accurately, satirical animation, is to express some cruel or unbearable reality through animation works. There is no doubt that there are many problems in our society, such as dependence on technology, taxation, obesity and the depreciation of workers. But this is not a real threat. The real threat is that we refuse to recognize these problems to prove our addiction to them. The plot of my animation this time is: a person addicted to computer games becomes the raw material of the food he eats by constantly eating. This is a simple story, which takes place in a room, and the process is very similar to a cycle. I call it a new way of eating, that is, “we become what we eat”. The whole sub story intuitively shows a fat man who is addicted to computer games and greedily eats all kinds of takeout food. Day after day, there was more and more garbage in the room. The fat man was trapped in the garbage cage and finally couldn’t move. He was sent to slaughter by the takeout shop and turned into a raw material for food.

Inspired satire illustration

There’s no doubt that our society is plagued with problems like dependence on technology, taxes, obesity, devaluation of workers etc. But that is not the real threat. The real threat is the fact that we refuse to acknowledge these problems to justify our addiction to them. On the other hand, artist John Holocraft looks at these problems without batting an eyelid and presents them is a very creative and satirical way.

Voluntarily destroying our health.

We become what we eat.

Social media controls both our mind and body.

You never know the face behind the screen.

On the basis of three semesters of Animation Practice and film language cognition, I want to complete a narrative animation short film combining the two. In general, in my graduation project, I hope to create a meaningful animation to express my thoughts and feelings about some social status quo with story, logic and creativity. I hope my animation can arouse others’ reflection and thinking, which is the purpose of my animation creation. I am willing to use exaggerated and ironic animation to express my views and understanding. Because of my reflection on my life and observation of the current social situation, I found that more and more young people reveal a lazy nature. Most children in today’s world are in a ‘mobile phone’ environment, so they often ‘forget to eat and sleep’ and look at interesting things on the screen.

I think there are many satirical two-dimensional animations, but to make satirical three-dimensional animations, we need to shape the character of the character, we need character animations that meet the character and characteristics, and finally we need to do a good job in the rhythm of the story, first fast and then slow, so that the audience can understand the content of the story. What I spend a lot of time doing is analyzing the characteristics and narrative style of other satirical animation, and then completing the storyboard and layout. Then I created characters and scenes independently, including maps and equipment, and finally lights and rendering. I focused on strengthening my ability in role creation and rigging, combined with my internship and some tutorials. I want to show the exaggeration and atmosphere brought by the picture, and the character animation is not too complex. I made more preparations for the character modeling, including the details of the scene, because compared with some fighting animation, satire animation requires many obscure but reasonable elements. It is an animation that allows the audience to watch it repeatedly without feeling boring. There will also be thinking and arrangement in detail.

In fact, what I want to reveal is the essence of people’s increasing dependence on computer technology. It is also in the environment of reaching out for clothes and opening up food, and even indulging in delicious food. This makes more and more young people trapped in their greed and laziness, and finally become the waste of being slaughtered. Based on this, the satirical elements of my satirical animation are about the following. The first is the scene, a dirty room full of garbage, suggesting that the character is a desperate eater and a lazy man. The second is the protagonist, a fat man who is addicted to online games. His body has become out of shape due to eating and not exercising. In the image of this fat man, I thickened his arms and feet and enlarged the hunchback shape of his body to achieve the effect of irony. The third is the secondary character: the delivery man. He forms a contrast with the protagonist. Then his part is not shown to create a sense of terror and mystery. Finally, it is revealed that he is here to deliver goods. Finally, he sends the pig eater to the slaughterhouse. The fourth is the dim light. I want to pursue a very gray atmosphere, which makes people feel very depressed. The rhythm of animation can be said to be fast, because I want to take repeated shots, which is a narrative skill to enhance satire. I repeatedly photographed the scenes of him eating and the garbage generated in the room, making the music and narration faster and more obvious, so as to reveal the ironic scene that he turned into a pig in the end.

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