Stage23: Animation (4)


Cam12 is the action of bringing in the food.


There are two characters in Cam18, the takeaway man is animated walking and the fat man is struggling to climb out of the rubbish to get his takeaway. In this shot I recreated the scene again in order to fill the room with more rubbish and to create a phenomenon that traps him and makes it difficult for him to move.

The character in this shot is much fatter than the character in the previous shot and I then scaled the controller and adjusted the model to make the character’s body and limbs even fatter. A body movement is shown through the waist, chest and crotch controls.


Cam19 is the animation of him surrounded by rubbish, with a mute expression, still chewing. I increased the amount of rubbish around him and added a chest and head bobbing back and forth to the chewing animation.


This shot of Cam20 is about the protagonist who has become so fat that he is close to being a pig, unable to move, and is then hoisted downwards by a crane and the slaughterhouse man pulls him away. The driver waves for the takeaway to put the protagonist down.


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