WEEK7 : Body Mechanics

1 . Definition of Body Mechanics

This week we learned about body mechanics, which is body milk and exercise. It studies how to use the principle of mechanics to study how to maintain and master the balance of the body, and how to effectively coordinate the body when the human body changes from one posture to another. For instance, Basic Body mechanics; Hammer hit, Hammer throw, Tyre toss.

2 . Reference

I chose a reference video of Spiderman Parkour, because I think Parkour’s body range is relatively large, which can exaggerate the flexibility of the body, and its movement is relatively fast, whether the movement is smooth can be seen at once.

This is the reference.



3 . Animation Principles in Body Mechanics

  • timing
  • arcs
  • slow-in & slow-down
  • pose-to-pose
  • anticipation
  • follow-through and overlapping action

4 . Process

In this animation process, I made a mistake. I found a model that I had never used before. I hoped that there would be less bound controllers for it, but I didn’t notice that her arm could not be adjusted to IK.

Before I knew this, I had finished the leg part. Later, I found that Parkour’s movements are the same as walking. There are several movements that need to be held still by the hands to drive the body’s movement. That is, in places like this, the hand should be fixed because it needs to be forced. Just like walking, when the other foot is lifted up and stepped out, one foot only raises the heel and does not move forward.

In fact, at the beginning when I found that the hand could not be changed, I had thought about using the plug-in to solve the problem of hand sliding, so I didn’t do it with the whole body, but split it into the crotch and feet to adjust first. This made me find it very troublesome and difficult to correct. I realized that when I made the model, I should be familiar with the skeleton first, and think about whether IK and FK were needed and whether the body should be regarded as the body and be adjusted as a whole.

Then I asked Luke for help, and he told me it could be adjusted here. It’s so hard to find that I almost thought it would be redone. So this is what I looked like after it became IK.

In the process of adjusting the hands and feet, I try to make the two sides not too synchronized, that is, there are some staggered frames between the left rear right hand and the left foot and right foot, which can feel more natural. And adjust her body’s center of gravity accordingly so that her body has a slight tendency.

In fact, I didn’t study the hand regulation very deeply, so I always felt stiff, so I modified the swing of the hand frame by frame and changed the shape of the hand. Sometimes it’s clenching, sometimes it’s curl, spread or relax, which can make the hand feel more real.

In fact, I hope this animation can be more animated, so I always debug the squash and stretch of the body and the bending degree of the legs. I hope it is not true, but more exaggerated. Although the effect is not obvious, I think it is better than the previous ones.

I think the fast movement should grasp the following points: the first is the rhythm, the second is the sense of balance of the body. Now the movement is a little stiff, and the slow in and out movement is not very obvious, I will pay attention to improve this part later.

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