Category Archives: 3D Animation Fundamentals

3D Animation Fundamentals Term1 Showreel

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Performance Animation

WEEK 1 Preparation Part1 How to make a great reference Before shooting reference, I found a guide video to find some shooting skills. If we take our own photos for reference, the efficiency will be very high. If we look … Continue reading

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WEEK8 : Phonemes

Import Audio In this lesson, we mainly talk about how to import audio files into Maya and follow the audio to do mouth animation. Only audio with WAV and AIFF format can be imported into Maya, and you only need … Continue reading

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WEEK7 : Body Mechanics

1 . Definition of Body Mechanics This week we learned about body mechanics, which is body milk and exercise. It studies how to use the principle of mechanics to study how to maintain and master the balance of the body, … Continue reading

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3D Equalizer — Rotomation

1 . Some supplementary points for camera tracking (Leak filling) 1 . Create a point which may be blocked for some frames by the moving objects and polish it to make sure the stable tracking step1 Start frame – Ctrl … Continue reading

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3D Equalizer — Camera Tracking

Graphic user interface Environment-basic (commonly use) F2 – For tracking F5 – For 3D View Camera – Add New – Sequence Camera Import Footage Start – start frame End – end frame Browse – Footage File Path Export Buffer Playback … Continue reading

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WEEK5: Stylised Walk Feedback | Spline and polish pass

Spline and polish pass tips When splining start with smoothing the feet and locking their positions. Then hips ensuring they are moving along a smooth path. Track if necessary. Then go back to the feet and ensure they are still … Continue reading

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WEEK4: Stylized Walk — Sneaky

1 . Definition of Stylized Walk Our task this week is to do a stylized walk, similar to happy or sad walking, skipping or sneaking. A stylized walk is a character walking with emotion or state, which is more exaggerated … Continue reading

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Breakdown of rigs

1 . A Good Rig (from my own experience) 1 . Open the outline view of the model, and the binding, hierarchical relationship and parent-child relationship of the model should be arranged neatly, and the naming should be very standard, … Continue reading

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WEEK3 : Full Body Walk Cycle | Constraints

Part 1 — Rotomation vs Matchmove Explanation The process of matching CG characters / objects with live shooting materials is called “matching” (also known as “origin / match animation”), which is a hybrid name combining match moving, animation and some … Continue reading

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