Category Archives: Advanced & Experimental 3D Computer Animation Techniques

Term3 Showreel and Summary

Outline Showreel Conclusion (Personal & Collaborative) Reflection Part1 Showreel Part2 Conclusion (Personal & Collaborative) I summed up my work in personal and collaborative project: Collaborative: One character model One character mapping One scene lighting Personal: Internship — 7 character sketches … Continue reading

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Week10 Personal Project 3 — Final Major Project (1)

Outline FMP Sketchbook Conclusion Part1 FMP Sketchbook Considering that I have decided the topic of my FMP and thesis project, so in order to show my personal project more completely, and quickly integrate this project into my internship project. I … Continue reading

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Week9 Personal Project 2 — Narrative Animation Project (5)

Scene Model 2 Scene Material 2 Lighting 2 Conclusion Part1 Scene Model After the completion of the previous part of the scene, I still feel a little empty, so I added some other small objects, such as skateboard helmets, which … Continue reading

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Week8 Personal Project 2 — Narrative Animation Project (4)

Outline Scene Model 1 Scene Material 1 Lighting 1 Part1 Scene Model Cartoon style room is characterized by its model scale can not be too real, in other words, to make a lot of furniture merge furnishings look very cute, … Continue reading

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Week7 Personal Project 2 — Narrative Animation Project (3)

Outline Character Model Character Material Conclusion Part1 Character Model In fact, the age of this character is relatively small, so in the process of creating the model, I want to make the proportion of his head, hands and feet larger, … Continue reading

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Week6 Personal Project 2 — Narrative Animation Project (2)

Outline Animation script Reference Storyboard Layout Conclusion Part1 Animation script Toy — The content of the animated short film is about a little boy at home alone at the weekend, wantonly pulling toys. The toy twisted in his hand. When … Continue reading

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Week5 Personal Project 2 — Narrative Animation Project (1)

Outline Reference & Overview 2D Character Design 2D Scene Design Part1 Reference & Overview What I want to do in this personal project is a short cartoon animation, because I think I am good at model and lighting, and I … Continue reading

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Week4 Personal Project 1 — Internship Project (1)

Outline Task Overview Character Sketches Scene Sketches Conclusion Part1 Task Overview Based on my internship in an animation company in China, when I put in some 3D works within my showreel, they asked me to show some 2D hand drawing … Continue reading

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Week3 Collaboration Project (3)

Outline Scene Lighting (Emission Effect) Conclusion Part1 Scene As for the scene, I can’t separate a part of the face into a separate object like the character, and turn them into mesh light, because it takes too much time, so … Continue reading

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Week2 Collaboration Project (2)

Outline Character Material (Aistandardsurface) Conclusion Part1 Character After Yufei finished setting for the first time, I really like the design of this version. But considering that Yu and Kay think the scene model is too cute. And after seeing Yu’s … Continue reading

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